


The journal « Sports psychologist » publishes original theoretical, experimental and applied works, and also reviews of domestic and foreign researches in following directions (and sections) of sports psychology:
- Problems and history of sports psychology, physical culture and Olympic movement;
- Team Psychology (the athlete, the coach);
- Psychology of preparation, training and competition;
- Psychology of extreme sports;
- Psychology of professional career in sport;
- Psychology of the person with the deviation in physical development;
- Psychology of restoration and psychoregulation;
- Psychology of physical training at school and outside of school;
- Psychology of family physical training;
- Psychology of management and  of the organization of physical training;
- Psychological methods of research, diagnostics and correction of the person;
- In assistance to an athlete and a coach;
- Round table discussions;
- Psychology of fatherland;
- A scientific life;
- Abroad;
- Archival materials.
The basic purpose of the edition - elucidation the results of scientific researches and practical work of scientists and experts, and also an exchange of opinions on actual problems and at the same time to promote association of experts for the decision of scientifically practical problems in sphere of physical training and sport.
The journal is published in the printed form with periodicity of 3 numbers in a year.
The editor-in-chief - Vladimir Nikolaevich Nepopalov.
It is possible To subscribe for the journal « Sports psychologist » with « Inter-regional agency of a subscription » and  the catalogue Rospechat.
The Editors accepts the materials printed in one copy in a format of leaf А-4, and disks with materials for computer text processing in program Word, and also an illustration (figures, tables) to materials in separate files.
Requirements to the authors:
1. The volume of the manuscript, including the list of the quoted literature, should not exceed 7 pages;
2. A size of a font in the document - 14 pt; an interval - 1
3. Fields: at the left - 2,5; on the right - 1; upwards, a bottom - 1,5.
4. Compulsory carries are not welcomed
5. The text in the document in Word shouldn’t be allocated with figures (arrows, squares, circles, etc.)
6. The keywords should be marked with italics or fat tracing;
7. Illustrations to clauses are given in separate files, in a format «tiff» with the sanction not less than 300 dpi;
8. Tables in the text should be typed on Word and isn’t inserted as a picture;
9. The names allocated in the text with using CAPS LOCK, are not welcomed;
10. The literature quoted in article is resulted in alphabetic order in the form of the list in the end (the style of the list is presented in journal);
11. The literature in foreign languages is given after domestic;
12. This information should be applied in the article:
- About the author (date of a birth, a surname, a patronymic name, the post address with an index, phone, a speciality, an academic status, a place of work and a appointment, e-mail)
- A photo of  the author (-s), in format JPEG.
- Keywords and the summary (resume) in Russian and English languages.
Articles, sent to authors for revision and not returned to the deadline, are excluded from a portfolio of edition.
Edition makes the acquaintance of readers letters, but correspondence is not entered.
Materials go to address of edition by the simple or custom-made parcel post (but not valuable).
105122 Moscow, Sireneviy parkway, 4, RSUPE, the chair of psychology
(The editor-in-chief) V.N.Nepopalov
e-mail: jur-sportpsy [at] mail [dot] ru, or on the e-mail of the chair of psychology e-mail: psyrgufk [at] mail [dot] ru
For V. N.Nepopalov
Phone of the chair 8-499-166-53-89.
Translation Note: This content has not been translated to Русский but you may find the original version easier to read.

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